Xan Scott is an artist in residence at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in West Seattle. She has an MFA in Lecoq Based Actor Created Theatre from the London International School of Performing Arts. In 2012 she directed and was the head divisor of the stage production "School of Fish" at the Seattle Fringe Festival. Xan has worked with seniors as an in-home caregiver for more than ten years and is excited to merge her two careers in this production.
Kurt Fitzpatrick has toured the Fringe Theatre Festival circuit for over ten years in the U.S. and Canada. His touring shows include the Oscar movie parody "Best Picture," which was awarded Patrons' Pick at festivals in Winnipeg and Orlando. Kurt has performed as an improvisor and sketch comedian for several years in Manhattan and toured with the National Theatre for Children. He is a graduate of Temple University and trained with Second City.